Welcome to Brighthaven

A safe home for refugees, vagabonds, and those who work for a brighter tomorrow.

Brighthaven company crest

About Us

Come unto us ye weary, broken and battered souls, and within you shall find a place to fill your belly, rest your head, mend your hurts and discover a renewed sense of purpose.

Founded in late 2022, Brighthaven is a medium-rp free company in Final Fantasy XIV, on the Dynamis world of Seraph. “Medium-rp” means that we focus on roleplaying as well as doing game content such as daily roulettes, current and old dungeons, raids and trials, glamour and mount farms, crafting and treasure maps.We are run by and for minorities such as LGBTQIA, neurodivergent and disabled folk, though we welcome everyone within our ranks so long as they are kind. Players must be 18 or over, but characters can be played down to a minimum age of 13. As such we are not an ERP-focused FC and request that such things remain private and within the boundaries of consent.Our roleplay focus is on wholesome adventures, slice-of-life and character-driven storylines. Everyone is welcome to conceive and run stories large or small, officer or otherwise. Our ultimate goal is to create a safe home for roleplayers of all backgrounds and contribute to making Seraph the unofficial roleplay server of Dynamis.


MembersNew Friend: This is the basic starting rank for all new characters. After the interview is completed, they will become either a Ward or a Volunteer. Wards and Volunteers may run events if they choose, but have no responsibility to do so.Ward: Wards are characters who have come to live in Brighthaven because they have nowhere else to go. They have no responsibilities beyond helping with daily chores and seeking to better themselves. Players of Ward characters should try to regularly spend time in character around Brighthaven for pickup rp.Volunteer: Volunteers are characters who have taken on some measure of responsibility in at least one of Brighthaven’s programs. They may be residents or nonresidents. Players of Volunteer characters should try to attend at least a few events that pique their interest every month.Assistant ST: Assistant Storytellers are players who have taken on the responsibility of running story-based events and are currently in training under the supervision of a Storyteller. They are on track to becoming officers.OfficersStoryteller: Storytellers are officers who run story-based events regularly. They may focus on one or more programs that interest them, or just run random silliness. Either way, every Storyteller should try to run an event at least once per month.Tech Officer: Tech Officers are officers who tend to facets of the free company that are not associated with roleplay. They may be roleplayers, but are not expected to run story-based events. The responsibilities of Tech Officers vary, and can cover anything from airship/sub maintenance to discord moderation.Keyholder: The person who pays to keep the lights on and makes the FC chest look nice and organized.Benefactor/Director: The FC Leader and their alts. Doer of many many things.


Programs are different facets of what Brighthaven does. There is no hard and fast division between them; instead they give an idea of what kind of stories can be expected to go on within the company.Questing and Outreach: Everyone from orphans to veterans to refugees needs a little help sometimes, whether it be a hot meal or full relocation support. Often our members take up the call for adventurers to fund our more philanthropic activities.Bulwark of Light: Part of being a safehouse is protecting our home. Those of martial or magical bent are regularly called upon to face dangers both near and far, and when things are quiet we devote our time to training and studying the threats we may face.Resource Procurement: Our resources have to come from somewhere. Finding or trading for important materials can be challenging, and the journeys there and back aren’t always safe. A sky captain with a "legally acquired" Garlean airship has recently joined our cause, allowing us to travel even further afield!Walk-In Clinic: Those in need of refuge are often also in need of medical attention– as well our defenders and traders when returning from particularly dangerous missions. Meetings with our in-house therapist are also available.Open Education: Qualified teachers of physical, mental and magical disciplines hold classes for anyone with the drive to learn.

OOC Activities

Treasure Hunts: Trips alternating between current and old content. Participants are asked to bring at least two maps.Glamour Farms: Gotta have that gorgeous piece of gear? We'll blast through it unsynced until it drops!Hangout Night: Anything from a movie night to a ridiculous game of Cards Against Humanity.More to come!

The Golden Rule: Use common sense and don't be a jerk.

Code of Conduct

1. Be kind and considerate. Be polite and thoughtful whenever possible. Try to ascribe the best possible motives to others in the absence of concrete information and be willing to make peace with people. Remember that tone doesn’t carry easily through text, and that nobody’s perfect.2. No -isms, no -phobias. Racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia and any other prejudice toward minorities are strictly disallowed. This rule covers any form of dehumanization and applies both in and out of character.3. Keep IC IC. If your character has beef with another character, don’t bring the conflict out of rp and start things with the player. Remember that your character is not you.4. Keep OOC OOC. If you have information that your character has not obtained, don’t take it in character. Remember that you are not your character.5. Keep explicit behavior consenting and private. This includes ERP. Remember that players and characters under 18 cannot consent to sexual situations and should never be involved in such activity, whether they’re part of the FC or not. This applies whether it’s the player or the character who’s under 18, no exceptions.6. ALL rp requires consent. If some aspect of rp is making someone uncomfortable, reasonable accommodations must be made. This includes the possibility of character death– characters cannot be killed without their players’ consent.7. No trash talk, trolling or spam. It’s neither cute nor funny. Don’t do it. Trolling includes starting conflicts in character just to see the fallout.8. Respect your officers. No officer should be placed on ignore. Don’t be argumentative with them. Listen to what they say and abide by it unless it breaks one of the rules. In the absence of an officer, assistant storytellers carry the authority when a call is necessary.9. Bring up your concerns responsibly. Instead of airing dirty laundry in FC chat or General, try working out disagreements directly with the others involved or if that fails, bring the matter to an officer. Have screenshots ready if it’s a matter that may require disciplinary action.10. Remember that this is a game. Everyone has a life outside of this, and real life always takes precedence. If you need a break for any reason, take one. Don’t judge others for taking breaks when they need them, too.

Character Requirements

1. Age limit: All characters must be at least 13 years old. Characters below the age of consent and drinking limit must observe those restrictions at all times, and players of characters over these ages must be aware that others they encounter within the FC may be underage.2. Keep it reasonable. Your character can be special and unique without being off the wall. Your character’s talents and abilities should make sense with their background.3. Keep it lore-adjacent. Bending or even breaking lore just a little bit for fun or flavor is fine as long as it can still be explained within the world of FFXIV, but again, try not to be off the wall.4. No bad news bears. Characters with shady pasts are fine, but ones that are currently assassins / serial killers / slavers / crime lords / psychotic etc. are not a good fit for this free company.5. No godmoding. Every character is considered to be of an equivalent power level to everyone else unless the character’s player specifically decides they’re weak at something. Everybody deserves a chance to shine, and everyone fails sometimes.

Lore Policies

Policy on Restricted Jobs
White Mages, Black Mages and Reapers are all met with a serious amount of regulation and side-eye in lore. We want people to be able to play what’s fun for them, and so none of these jobs are out of bounds. However your character must have good reason for knowing these jobs, and if they go around flaunting their power in the wrong places, expect to meet in-game repercussions.
Policy on Native Milieu
Characters must have originated within the bounds of the Source. Those who have found their way elsewhere and back again may be accepted with a compelling backstory, but someone born in the First or in Ultima Thule, for example, would not.
Policy on Warriors of Light
No, you can not play the Warrior of Light. However, it has been established in canon that there are many warriors of light in existence throughout Hydalyn. Characters who bear the Blessing of Light or the Echo are perfectly fine, so long as no one assumes their power level is any higher than that of any other player character.

Officer Code of Conduct

1. Set a good example. Every rule that applies to other members also applies to you, and you are expected to know them.2. Keep an eye on conflicts and report when you see them happen. This applies to both IC and OOC. Screenshots are helpful but not strictly required.3. Don’t jump the gun. If you see a problem that needs to be addressed but isn’t immediate and dire, bring it up in Officer Discussion so that deliberation can be had.4. Support your fellow officers. If an officer makes a call that you don’t agree with, bring it up in Officer Discussion. Do not directly contradict them in public spaces. If the call needs to be changed, the officer who made it should be the one to do so.5. Remember that everybody’s human. Miscommunications will happen. People will occasionally have hurt feelings and lash out. The goal should always be to understand all points of view and reach a peaceful conclusion. As an officer the onus is on you to take the first step, but if you need help don’t hesitate to ask.6. Be mindful of your biases. If you need to step back from a situation because you’re involved as a player or there’s someone you have trouble getting along with, do so.7. Advocate for others, but also for yourself. Don’t forget that you’re a player who deserves to have a good experience too.8. Take breaks. This is doubly important for officers. If you feel you’ve run yourself ragged, tag someone else in and take some time to recharge.9. Make yourself available. With exceptions for the needed breaks mentioned above, every officer should make a point of being online and in character in an accessible space on a regular basis. When other members see us being present and active, they will be more likely to be present and active too.10. Communicate. Ask questions. Bring up new ideas. Voice concerns. The more we communicate as a team, the better our free company will be.

New Brighthaven

Mist Ward 9 Plot 15
View from the Front Step

Main Level
Foyer and Lounge

Library and Meeting Room

Upper Level
The Battle Room

Lower Level
Dining Room with Stage

Public Dormitory

Room 2: "The Moogle Room"
Public Dormitory for the Young at Heart
(Currently under reconstruction)

Room 3: "The Dark Room"
Research and Meeting Room for the Bulwark of Light
(Currently under reconstruction)

Room 7: "The Carbuncle Room"
Public Infirmary/Clinic and Therapist's Office
(Currently under reconstruction)

Room 9: Bridge of The Insolent
"Liberated" Garlean Airship
(Currently under reconstruction)

Our People

Dalashan Silverhawk
Brighthaven's mysterious benefactor

Yasashi Nami, Director and Medic
Leader of the Bulwark of Light

E'rinh Northstar, Counselor
(the wings are props)

Zhiri Vahar, Chief Guardian
(the wings are not props)

Inari Zenko, Moon-touched Traveller
Maker of Mischief

Reede Foxfire, "Procurement Expert"
Probably a Pirate

Faun Woodwhisper, Forest Protector
Confused Newcomer

Kona Horal, Singing Hunter/Gatherer
The Life of the Party

Kylasi Hvirek, Roguish Protector
Part-Time Chaos Gremlin

Saldoran Sunfury, Retired Berserker
Doer of Odd Jobs, Lifter of Heavy Things

Contact Us

View our listing on the Lodestone!

Join our Discord!

Guests and friends of the FC are welcome!

Send a private message in game to:

Dalahshan Silverhawk
Yasashi Nami
Ash Aurifort
Faelahra Fallthorn
Remember, we're on the Dynamis world of Seraph!

Thank you
for visiting us!

Brighthaven company crest

May you ever walk in the light of the Crystal.